Saturday, October 6, 2012

~Book Review~

There's a great booksite called BookSneeze (Thomas Nelson publisher)that provides free books and in return just asks for a review.  I have been a lifelong reader and so they had me at hello Free.  So I thought, hmm.. that just might be worth a try.  They have alot of books that you can select from so I chose this one awhile back.  And as life often does... it cranked up.. and I got busy and forgot about it.  Yesterday while fighting dust bunnies BEARS it jumped in my hand while cleaning and organizing and screamed "Finish me already".  So lucky me.. I only had a few more pages to read. 

Books are a very personal thing.  Many of my friends and family are voracious readers.  And each one has their own 'niche' or genre that they prefer.  I'm not sure why I selected this book... it's not something I would have normally selected.  But I am very glad I chose it.  It was published last year and written by William J. Bennett & Seth Leibsohn.  And they did a pretty darn good job of opening my eyes and now my ears to our current turmoil. 

If you love freedom, liberty and the freedom to pray to the God you choose and pretty much anything that Western Civilization has to offer, then I honestly think you might be wise to check out this book.  You don't have to be a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, conservative, liberal, tree hugger, Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hari Krishna, Agnostic or any other __________ to need to be aware of where our country stands on the issue of our enemy.  This book illustrates how our govt. has sugar coated, sidestepped and downplayed the severity and degree to which extremist Muslems want all of Western Civilization dead/or under their rule.  And dead will pretty much have to do..since most folks will not/can not live under brutal Sharia Law.

While our country is continuing to ban harsh terms/definitions of our enemies, downplay their motives and egg walk for fear of "offending" Muslems... The jihadists are perfecting and planning their means for future attacks to obliterate Western society.  Their earlier attemps w/foreign soil bombings, The USS Cole incident and other terroristic plots have pretty much received little backbone or force from the U.S. .  9-11 on the other hand got our attention.  However, the authors show the lack of seriousness in our efforts to contain them further is illustrated.  I'm not sure if it's just a head in the sand approach, the let's pretend that this will never happen, or ?... I am finding it very difficult to understand how they have continued to underestimate the level of destruction the jihadist's are plotting.  This book will make you look at the issue and ask your own questions.

And the importance of our Nov. Presidential elections, Iran being only months away from completed nuclear missiles/bombs, the direct threat of Iran issuing a call to annilate Israel and other world events heating up right now should raise every American citizen's flag at attention.

The book is well written and points out some issues I was not aware of.  But I am listening now.  And we should be demanding answers to insure that our govt. is upholding its primary role of protecting us from foreign threats.  And eye opener that should help instigate some great discussions.

Oh yea.. And if you like to read & like FREE then head over to BookSneeze and try them out.  I have a button down the right hand side of this blog to get you there.