Saturday, March 30, 2013

~The Brave Girls & Their Mustard Seed~

I am an avid reader as many of you know. And awhile back I became thoroughly engrossed and very bothered when I read actress, Ashley Judd's autobiography. Her story intrigued me as I always had the nagging question "Where was she while her mom, Naomi & her sister, Wynona..the country duo The Judd's were out making their mark on the world. And her book answered those questions. Ashley did get left behind. Behind to deal w/her abandonment, insecurity, sexual abuse and depression. It was a hard read. But the most troublesome part was reading about her life's passion to help the sexually abused women, the abandoned women and the women who are trapped in a desolate predicament of human trafficking and slavery. It is disturbing, sickening and disheartening to think that this is occurring in third world countries, progressive cities and even our own backyards. And we honestly do not know about it. I was selecting movies one night on Netflix and came across a movie with Kevin Kline who I respect. The movie is called Trade and it has to be one of the hardest, most disturbing and gut wrenching movies about the sex slave industry. Innocent and poor women are taken from their homes to enter what they think is a better job and better life for them and their families. Only to find themselves in complete and utter Hell. And if they aren't tricked, then many are just simply abducted where they do not speak the same language, know anyone or their surroundings and have no idea how to escape even if the opportunity presented itself. And the movie does not stop there. Oh far from it. What I learned was how this industry is also driven by not only women but by innocent and very young children. And the premise of the movie is the race to save a young girl from an online auction which will take her into the hands of the vilest of pedophiles. Yes.. ONLINE. Like we auction our unwanted toys, games, household items on Ebay. People (and I use that term cautiously, as they don't resemble normal people) auction off a PERSON, a CHILD into sexual slavery. It is beyond disturbing. But I think that we as a nation, and of faith need to educate ourselves about this travesty. We can't sit by and allow it to happen and not be held accountable for our lack of discern later to our higher calling. So I got upset, bothered and felt completely helpless as to what I could do to help other than know about it and just try and be aware. The movie The Hangover is hilarious. And I have to admit I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. Amongst friends we had a habit of trading movie quotes. So I couldn't wait to see the next one. And then I watched it and it was set in Bankok. And it was then that I knew that God had really put this little nugget of truth on my heart. There's a line in the movie where they friends AGAIN lose the brother of the bride. And the line is something along the gist of "Well the city now has him".. meaning.. he may be lost forever. And it was at that moment that the movie was no longer funny. My heart sunk when I heard those words said in jest. But all I could think about were all the thousands of enslaved people w/no hope and no faith in ever getting free. But again, what can a SAHM from Texas do? It's not like I know of anyone to help or anything. (You can turn off the music player in the upper right corner to watch the preview) And enter The Brave Girls... Then I get the invite from a sweet and creative friend who has a similar heart as my own. It was a few days after Christmas and she invited me to join her, some friends and their daughters to help out with a project. The Brave Girls is an pair of kindred souls and artists who have dedicated their work into a way of life. A lot like the Junk Gypsies, Amy & Jolie Sikes from HGTV who happen to reside around my hometown neck of the woods. The Brave Girls and the Junk Gypsies have managed to hit a vein in their life's passion that resonates deeply w/women across our great land. It's the freedom of the open road, music cranking and an open heart and freedom to express yourself and free yourself from the ordinary restraints that hold you from achieving what you need to feel good about yourself. And the BG's as I will call them hold online classes and rejuvenating & creative retreats on a ranch in Idaho. My friend had the opportunity to attend one of their retreats this past Summer. And she came back excited, rejuvenated and on fire for creative expression. And it was a joy to watch her express herself. The task at hand was a new project that The Brave Girls decided to undertake. They had successfully inspired, encouraged and liberated thousands of women to choose to live the life they desired creatively. Again, it's that lifestyle change. So they decided to set their lines across the pond and into some very murky water. It is here where I believe that God was upsetting and bothering not just me about this terrible tragedy. Only, they had the tools, the vision and the online and in person following to cast their lines far and with conviction. So they decided to begin the task of inspiring the least hopeful, the most hurting and the under-loved of women... the women who had miraculously broken their chains of bondage and became FREE. And thus the Truth Card Endeavor was born. They were planning a trip to Manila, Philippines in early January 2013 and were requesting handmade cards of inspiration so they could meet the women and encourage them. To help them make their lives better. But most of all to LOVE them. To SHOW them that there were women like myself and many other who cared about them and wanted to show them that a new life, a fresh start was possible if only they dug deep enough to find hope and to believe. BG's already knew that we knew how to let loose and have fun creating stuff. We thrive of this stuff. ;) So we pulled out our ScrapCrap (as I like to call it), stickers, pens, paints, embellishments.. man you name it.. we pulled that stuff out!! And we each made very personal and unique cards about the size of a playing card that they could hand out and show these women that we cared.. and we hurt.. and we loved them. And Bg's ended up getting over a thousand in that short notice request. Women from all over the country, old and young girls made these tokens of care... to remind them that they do matter!! And that they CAN have a very good life. Because of holiday travel plans I had to make mine alone. And I have to admit I am very glad it worked out this way. I spent New Years Eve, or should I say the wee morning hrs. of the New Year making my cards. And it was one of the most personally fulfilling things I have ever made. .. and I have made a TON of stuff in my life~ The quiet solitude was spent praying and meditating on each card that I made. They were all different and unique. And I was in such a good spiritual place that I was just LED to what each one needed to be. As if that card in my hand was already designated for 1 woman who needed to see, read and feel that exact message. I can't think of a better way to start off the new year. Travel plans to visit family lent me the opportunity to tell them how excited I had been and what a great project this was. I had every intention of writing about it and spreading the great message. Even remember making the comment how this would be an excellent mission project for the women's shelters the homeless and hospitalized in our own community. But it never felt right to talk about it. So the BG's take all of our cards and hand them out in the streets of Manila to many many women. They visit the house where the women are setting forth in starting over Free. They shared their stories and cried many tears. They spoke of dreams and all the other fears they have. It's ironic that the home they now share has bars on the windows outside. Not to keep them in as before, but to keep them free and out of enslavement. And those are the bars that actually have given the security of freedom. The only problem was there are not enough places for the women to go safely. So BG's found another home that actually had a perfect concrete wall in the back that provided a barrier for freedom. They had the vision and the dream to purchase that home to help more. The need is HUGE. So they came back and told us of their dream to purchase this place. I looked at it and thought.. what a great idea.. but how do you fund something like that in this economy? It is sad, but I will freely admit that I didn't think much of helping or seeing that it could be done. They had an online auction of item o help raise the funds. But honestly it wasn't anything I needed or could use. So I went about my life as I always have.. Until tonight.... and this is where that little mustard seed comes into play: Matthew 17:20 New International Version (NIV) 20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. I was chatting online w/my cousin and playing games. She signs off. I look on my FB page and my friend had included me to a new fundraising page about a pair of old boots from the BG artist who set this entire mission in motion. I thought okay.. what is this and how did I get involved w/this all of the sudden? Actually, I was trying to figure out WHY it was on my FB page. And then something very strange started happening. That huge amount of $$ those BG's were trying to raise took off. And I mean it started like fire. When I saw what was happening I literally started crying. The premise was they were trying to buy back those boots the founder was auctioning off. There were groups catching donations and it became a bidding war to see who would end up w/those boots and how much money was going to be raised. And it was UNREAL! And at this moment.. we all knew that this was a God Thang!! And it was happening on Good Friday!!! The irony was not lost on me. We were watching donations of $10, $20 and others shoot thru the roof. Before the second hr. that property was funded and they were now getting donations to fund the furnishings. When all was said and done.. over $55,000 was raised in the blink of an eye. And I believe that made the acct. over $100,000 if my bleary eyes saw correctly. And we could only imagine those women and their new lives and what this meant to them and all the others to be encouraged. I literally found myself in a position of really upset, sickened and bothered by something that my Heavenly Father weighed on my heart... and He showed me the outlet in which I Could make a difference and help ... to probably buying a tiny portion in that new home for more women to start over. My little tiny mustard seed that was added to all the other ladies mustard seeds grew exponentially before our eyes. And it left us all thinking.. "Man if He did that w/that little bit... just what else can we do w/a little more"? And personally.. man.. maybe I need to dream a little bit bigger than I allow myself. Maybe I really do need to become A Brave Girl!! ..and another small moment in time when all the world was right for just a little while... Happy Easter 2013 Also check out the Brave Girls and see details on their website

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